Personal Information Policy for Non-Members

Last updated: April 26, 2021

Bizmates, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) shall handle the personal information that is collected by inquiry in accordance with the laws regarding personal information.

Collection and purpose of use

The Company uses the personal information the inquirer have entered for the following purposes.

- Answer to inquiry

- Sending materials

Safety management

The Company handles the personal information after taking appropriate security measures, and manage it appropriately to prevent leakage, tampering, unauthorized disclosure, unauthorized use, or unauthorized access.

Disclosure and provision to third parties

In principle, the Company doesn’t disclose the acquired member information to third parties, but in the following cases, the Company may disclose it based on laws and regulations.

- In case the consent has been obtained from the person in advance.

- In case there is an offer of disclosure from a public agency such as a police station or a court.

- In case the Company determine that it is necessary to protect our rights and property.


Some of the management of personal information received may be outsourced to a third party. When outsourcing all or part of our business to an outsider, the Company select an outsourcing company that has sufficient information management and ensure that the outsourcing business is treated in the same way as the Company. The Company strives to provide necessary and appropriate supervision for contractors.

Disclosure, correction, deletion

The Company responds to disclosure, correction, deletion, etc. within the reasonable scope when requested by the inquirer regarding the acquired personal information.


Please note that the Company may not be able to respond to inquiries if inquirer does not provide the required fields for personal information.

Contact Information

For inquiries regarding disclosure, correction, deletion, etc. of personal information, please contact the following.

Personal information protection and marketing manager
